Nick Wood
Deputy Chief Executive NHS Wales
Nick joined the NHS in 2010 through the Gateway to Leadership programme which brings experienced senior managers from the private sector into the NHS. He started his NHS career in Cornwall, as General Manager for operational services including Women’s & Children’s Health, Estates and Facilities and prior to coming to Wales he spent 3 years at Weston Area Health Trust as CEO and COO.
Nick joined the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board as Chief Operating Officer in 2015, and after three years he moved to his current role within the Health Board Executive, leading the Primary Care, Community Services and Mental Health teams.
He has been the lead Director for 24/7 work stream of the Strategic Primary Care programme since 2018 which has supported the work of the Urgent Primary Care pathway and the interface with the Urgent and Emergency Care national programme.
In December 2021 Nick joined Welsh Government as the Deputy CEO for NHS Wales.
Prior to his career within the NHS Nick spent 20 years as a senior manager and business owner in the retail sector.

Judith Paget
Interim Director General of Health and Social Services/Chief Executive, NHS Wales
Judith was appointed to the role of Interim Director General of Health and Social Services/Chief Executive NHS Wales in November 2021. Her role includes both supporting Ministerial priorities for health and social care within the Civil Service structures, and the leadership and oversight of NHS Wales.
Judith’s previous post was as Chief Executive of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. Judith joined the Health Board as Director of Planning & Operations on 1st October 2009 and subsequently became Chief Operating Officer/Deputy CEO before her appointment as Chief Executive in October 2014.
Judith has worked in the NHS since 1980 and has undertaken a variety of operational, planning and commissioning roles in a number of NHS organisations across south, mid and west Wales. Judith was appointed to her first CEO role in April 2003. Judith has a keen interest in partnership working across public services; primary care and community development; value based healthcare and staff development and engagement.
Judith was awarded a Companionship of the Institute of Health Service Managers in 2012 and in June 2014 won the Institute of Directors – Director in Public Service Award for Wales. In June 2019 Judith was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for her services to delivery and management in NHS Wales.

Eluned Morgan
Minister for Health and Social Services
Eluned Morgan was born in 1967 in Ely, Cardiff. She was educated at Glantaf Welsh language comprehensive school. She won a scholarship to the United World College of the Atlantic and gained a degree in European Studies from the University of Hull. She formerly worked as a researcher for S4C, Agenda TV and the BBC.
Eluned’s political career started at the age of 27 when she was elected as the youngest Member of the European Parliament in 1994. She was only the fifth woman elected to a full time political position in the history of Wales, and the first full time politician in Wales to have a baby whilst in office. She represented Wales for the Labour Party from 1994-2009. In this role she became the Labour spokesperson on industry, science and energy and spokesperson for the 200 strong Socialist Group on Budget Control matters. She authored the Green Paper on energy on behalf of the EP and led the Parliament’s discussions on the Electricity Directive where she ensured new rights for consumers and demanded that Member States of the EU addressed the issue of fuel poverty.
From late 2009 until July 2013 she worked as the Director of National Business Development in Wales for SSE (SWALEC) one of the UK’s largest energy companies. During 2013 -2016, Eluned Morgan served as the Shadow Minister for Wales in the House of Lords, and from 2014-2016 she served as Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs. She was granted a peerage in 2011 and is formally known as Baroness Morgan of Ely.
Eluned Morgan was elected to the National Assembly in May 2016 as regional member for Mid & West Wales. In November 2017 Eluned was appointed Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning. On 13 December 2018 she was appointed Minister for International Relations and the Welsh Language. Eluned was appointed Minister for Health and Social Services on 13 May 2021.

Albert Heaney CBE
Chief Social Care Officer for Wales
Albert Heaney CBE, is the Chief Social Care Officer for Wales, Welsh Government. Albert has worked in Public Services since the 1980’s. He qualified as a social worker in 1988 and initially worked in practice before moving into managerial roles. He has led a busy government policy directorate delivering legislation and policy including the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act. Albert is a member of the Family Justice Board and Chair of the Family Justice Network Wales.
Prior to his current post, Albert covered as Deputy Director General for Health and Social Services during the pandemic. He is a former Corporate Director leading on Children’s and Adults Services and a former President of the Association of Directors of Social Services Cymru (ADSS Cymru). Albert has represented ADSS Cymru in a number of roles including, a Lead Director for Children and a Lead Director for Safeguarding and Prevention. Albert is a former Chair of the Children’s Safeguarding Board and of the Area Adult Protection Committee. Albert is committed to promoting and ensuring citizen rights and inclusive practice, which brings a commitment to working in partnership. He has also been actively involved in a range of collaboration and integration initiatives.
Albert is learning Welsh and is co-chair of the Welsh Language in Health and Social Services Partnership Board.

Alex Slade
Interim Director for Primary Care
Alex joined the Welsh Government in 2013 through the Civil Service Fast Stream Programme, starting in the Treasury department as the Innovation Lead and has since undertaken numerous roles within Welsh Government.
Alex became Deputy Director of Primary Care in March 2019. And successfully led development and implementation of policies in relation to Primary Care, including contractual reform and legislative change, with oversight of £1.4bn annually.
Led the Primary Care Covid-19 operational response, including major contractual and legal changes and oversight of recovery phases.
Achievement against the two actions relating to Primary Care in A Healthier Wales (development of cluster working and reform of the contracts), alongside supporting change across a number of other actions.
Managed delegated revenue budgets (c£5m) as well as allocating significant investment in the health sector to deliver Ministerial priorities. Recent examples include expansion of pharmacy training and practice manager leadership programmes.
SRO for the Dental E-referral project which was successfully implemented.
Actively promoted equality, diversity and inclusion to create a cultural change in the Division and led engagement to collectively own and deliver the FED Action Plan.
Member of the Community Policy Board; ensuring alignment with local health services and other Government priorities.
Acting as the Fast Stream SCS sponsor for WG, as well as mentoring colleagues across the organisation.
Building capacity and capability as well as broadening skill sets; including business case training and formal negotiation training for WG and NHS officials.
Alex has since stepped in as Intermit Director for Primary Care taking on additional responsibilities as well as the ones noted above.
Executive lead for Primary and Community Care and a member of the Executive Director Team (EDT) to inform and enable cross-cutting Group level topics.
Accountability for delivery of three significant Programme for Government commitments – with plans already agreed with Ministers.
SRO for the ‘Advice and Guidance’ project to integrate services – which recently won an ‘Innovation at Scale’ Award for avoiding hospital admissions using Consultant Connect.
SRO for the Existing Liability Scheme for GP Indemnity – to oversee and conclude commercial deals involving high value asset and liability transfers.
Interim Chair of the National Primary Care Board – bringing together stakeholders to ensure alignment

Alan Lawrie
National Programme Advisor for Primary Care
Alan Lawrie is National Programme Advisor for Primary Care working with the Strategic Programme for Primary Care. Alan was previously a Chief Operating Officer in Cwm Taf Morgannwg and has over 25 years’ experience as an Executive Director in the NHS across the UK. Alan’s passion is the primary and community care agenda and cluster development is a key part of this moving forward in Wales.

Dr Karen Gully
National Professional Adviser, Post COVID Recovery Programme
Karen qualified from Bristol University and was a GP partner in a practice in Hereford. She gained membership of the Faculty of Public Health before joining Caerphilly Teaching Health Board as Medical Director. In 2008 Karen joined Welsh Government as a Senior Medical Officer providing professional advice in relation General Practice and Primary Care. This included the development of the policy to establish collaborative primary and community care services through Cluster networks. She was Medical Director in Powys Teaching Health Board before joining ABUHB to lead the further development of Neighbourhood Care Networks and subsequently to coordinate the primary and community care response to the COVID 19 Pandemic. Karen has joined the SPPC as a National Professional Advisor and she continues to provide professional advice to the Post COVID Recovery Programme in ABUHB.

Sian Harrop-Griffiths
Director of Strategy Swansea Bay University Health Board
Siân started her career in local government with responsibility for housing management, and moved to the NHS in 1990 as the revised GP Contract and purchaser/provider split came into being. She has had the privilege of working at primary care, locality, health authority, NHS Trust, Health Board and Welsh Government levels and therefore has a broad understanding of influences and impacts of changes across the breadth of the NHS.
Siân’s focus is on service planning at a strategic level, and particularly working across organisational boundaries. She has been responsible for developing and implementing policy and service change across health, local authority and third sector organisations, particularly for vulnerable groups such as frail older people. She has worked at a national level to develop organisational and individual skills and capacity through working in partnership to improve services for people primarily receiving care in their own homes.
Siân has been in her current position as Director of Strategy at Swansea Bay UHB since November 2014. Immediately prior to this she was Assistant Director of Planning at Cardiff and Vale UHB.

Elaine Lorton
County Director & Commissioner - Pembrokeshire, Hywel Dda University Health Board
After qualifying with a Masters Degree in Geography from Oxford University, Elaine worked across the third sector, education and then moved into the NHS in 2001. Elaine moved to Wales in February 2012 to take up the challenge of working with Primary Care to drive up quality and bring care closer to home. After 6 years in that role she took up the exciting opportunity to work in Pembrokeshire as County Director with the remit of working across the system to facilitate primary, community and social care integration.
As a Health Foundation Leadership Fellow, a member of the Q initiative and a Bevan Exemplar, Elaine has a relentless focus on quality improvement, growing a culture of mutual respect and understanding, developing networks and constant learning. She has been a coach and mentor for the last 15 years and is a strong advocate for developing a coaching ethos across the system.

Jonathan Griffiths
Director of Social Services, Pembrokeshire County Council
Appointed as Director of Social Services for Pembrokeshire County Council in December 2016, Jonathan has worked in the Social Care field for over 25 years in different settings and local authority areas across Wales. He started his career in direct care and support in the third sector, then moved into Local Government working in Adult Services in a number of registered care settings, moving into management roles in all aspects of Adult Services. Working in the direct delivery of care and support has been invaluable in understanding the key challenges and opportunities in the Social Care Sector and more importantly, his approach to engagement with people who receive care and support and the continued conversations on ‘what good looks like’.
Jonathan is passionate about the opportunity for change and innovation that challenge such as this bring by invigorating the need to work collaboratively with people, communities and other agencies to promote independence and wellbeing.

Siân Jones
Business Development Manager, Red Kite Health Solutions CIC
Sian joined the NHS in Powys in 2008, working in various administrative roles throughout general practice. With a strong vision for the delivery of sustainable, accessible and quality healthcare, Sian took up the post of business Development manager at Red Kite Health Solutions CIC; a non-profit organisation created through a collaboration of the four GP practices in South Powys in 2017.
During this time she has been the administrative lead for all aspects of organisational operations, including the procurement and management of a number of innovative services in collaboration with Powys Teaching Health Board, the South Powys Cluster and Third sector. This includes the delivery of an APMS pharmaceutical contract, primary care pain management services and most recently COVID-19 impact, obesity and mental wellbeing services. She has led the organisation and its partners to be recognised at several innovative awards ceremonies, including the NHS awards in 2018; winners of the national RCGP pioneer award for pushing the boundaries in primary care, 2019; and most recently being awarded the Judge’s award at the Powys business awards, 2021.
Sian holds a Master’s degree in business administration as well as a diploma in strategic management and leadership and is also an associate member of the chartered management institute, UK.

Chiquita Cusens
National Nursing Lead for Primary & Community Care
Chiquita Cusens is the National Nursing Lead for Primary & Community Care working with the Strategic Programme for Primary Care. She has extensive clinical and operational experience within community health and social care, identifying new ways of working, developing and transforming services. Chiquita is passionate about the role Nurses have in leading and enabling care for individuals to stay at or close to home, at both an individual, neighbourhood and system level. Chiquita has a special interest in end of life care, previously leading and supporting community services to achieve outstanding (CQC) for end of life care.

Kerrie Phipps
Kerrie provides professional leadership and expert strategic advice, on a national basis, relating to the role of AHPs working across Primary and Community Care, in line with the vision of A Healthier Wales, the Strategic Programme for Primary Care and the AHP Framework in Wales – ‘Looking Forward Together.
Her role focuses on optimising the AHPs offer and accessibility across Primary and Community Care, in order to support a preventative, pro-active whole system pathway approach to recovery and rehabilitation provision, which prioritises services at or close to home and enables citizens throughout Wales to live as independently as possible for as long as possible.
Kerrie has over 30 years of experience working across health and social care and is passionate about AHPs utilising their unique skillset to support presenting needs, delivering person-centred support within a place-based care model of care. She is a leader committed to creating a culture of compassionate care, inspiring greater collaboration to bring positive, inclusive and productive transformation.

Sian Evans
Sian Evans is a senior public health professional with over 25 years’ experience working in different sectors of the NHS with a passion for primary care. She is a Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Wales and a registered pharmacist. She started life as a community pharmacist and since then has held a number of positions in Wales leading small teams and national pieces of work to influence the public health, NHS settings, medicines management, workforce development and healthcare professional agendas.

Helen Northall
Chief Executive, PCC
Helen has led PCC since its inception, including developing the organisation as a community interest company. Helen is an expert in strategic management, business development, coaching and mentoring. Helen is one of PCC’s executive coaches and supports group coaching, board, and team development sessions. She has supported health care organisations to develop new organisational forms and ensure robust financial and strategic plans that lead to their success. Helen started her career as a biomedical scientist and went on to work in hospital management, health authority commissioning and extensively with primary care. Helen has led several leadership programmes for cluster leads and practice managers in Wales.

Helen Simmonds
Adviser, PCC
Helen has worked in and with the NHS for over 20 years and started her career as a financial management trainee in NHS Wales. After working for several years specialising in financial management in the acute sector her career has focussed on primary care, including the medical, dental and pharmacy sectors. Helen focuses on the delivery of PCC’s work in Wales, including the delivery of a Confident primary care leader’s programme with Public Health Wales. Helen has extensive financial and budget management skills, project and programme management skills with detailed knowledge of all areas of primary care.

Helen Haslett
Helen graduated from Cardiff University in 2002, completing her pre-reg in a central Cardiff location. Upon qualifying she moved to England to work as a community Optometrist. After getting used to the day job she started to take on several different roles within companies she worked for which involved her in staff training, including examining for a city and guilds qualification in diabetic retinopathy and WOPEC MECS.
She has been involved with local optical committees in England since she was 26, including being chair in Dorset for four and a half years. This commitment to local commissioning involvement led her to work as an optical lead for LOCSU. This gained her experience in supporting other committees on a regional footprint and national issues for the profession.
She is now working in Wales as a Welsh Clinical leadership training fellow. She is based at Health Education and Improvement Wales and her project is focussed on primary clusters and engagement from the optometric profession.

Christine Brown
Practice Manager of St Davids Court Surgery, South West Cluster, Cardiff and Vale Health Board
Christine joined St Davids Court Surgery in 2014 and successfully promoted to Practice Manager in March 2020 just as the Pandemic started.
Prior to her career with St Davids Court Surgery Christine was a Service Delivery Manager for a private healthcare company providing care to the community and a Marketing Manager for a Soft Drink Company
Dhimant Patel
Dhimant Patel has worked in the pharmacy sector for over 20 years and is currently a contractor at The Pharmacy Coedpoeth in Wrexham.
Keen to extend the pharmacy role beyond traditional dispensing, Dhimant has been involved as an early adopter and a pilot site for the Common Ailments Scheme and Sore Throat Test and Treat. More recently he became the first independent prescriber in Wrexham allowing him to see and treat patients with minor infections.
Working through the pandemic as a PCCCPL and as a COVID vaccination site, his aim is to continue showcasing the capabilities of community pharmacy and seek further opportunities to expand the patient services available.'

Dr Alison Hughes
South Wrexham Cluster Lead
I am a North Walian born and bred and have been a GP Partner in Llangollen for the last 18 years.
As a practice we are heavily involved in educating the primary care work force of the future and train medical students, GP registrars and Allied health professionals.
I have been South Wrexham cluster Lead for 5 years.
My objectives are to build on our successful cross sector multidisciplinary team working to better meet the needs of our population.

Dr Karen Pardy
GP Partner in Lansdowne Surgery Cardiff and the Lead GP for Cardiff SW Cluster
Dr Karen Pardy is a GP Partner in Lansdowne Surgery Cardiff and the Lead GP for Cardiff SW Cluster. She qualified in 1997 at the University of Wales College of Medicine and completed postgraduate training in Paediatrics as well as General Practice. Through her cluster work she has become inspired by the many community organisations who support health and wellbeing. This led to a number of cluster based social prescribing projects which have been supported by the Neighbourhood Partnership Fund, the Innovate to Save Fund and the Pacesetter Fund. Key projects have been presented at the First International Social Prescribing Research Conference in 2018. Dr Pardy is keen to support the development of social prescribing as part of a holistic care model for people living in Cardiff and Vale. The Cardiff SW cluster team are currently developing a model of integrated care, drawing inspiration from Compassionate Communities with a multidisciplinary team approach firmly embedded in a community support network.

Isabel Wiggins
Primary Care Cluster Community Pharmacy Lead for City and Cardiff South
Isabel was born in London, grew up in Belfast and studied at the University of Cardiff. She has worked as a community pharmacist since she qualified in 2000 and stayed on in the Welsh capital for her pre-registration training.
During her two decades plus as a pharmacist, she has managed community pharmacies for different companies. She has tutored a number of pre-registration trainees and has served as a member of the Welsh Committee for the Professional Development of Pharmacy, an advisory committee to the Welsh Assembly Government.
She is currently a pharmacist manager for Well Pharmacy and acts as Primary Care Cluster Community Pharmacy Lead for City and Cardiff South.
James Martin
GP Partner at West Quay Medical Centre, Central Vale Cluster Lead
James Martin, GP Partner at West Quay Medical Centre. Central Vale Cluster lead. I have been involved in setting up an acute unscheduled care hub locally as part of the strategic programme for primary care and chair the clinical reference group for this piece of work. I have recently been invited onto the Welsh Medical committee where I am keen to represent the voice of the clusters. I am also a GP Trainer and medical student educational supervisor. My clinical interests include Cardiology/Anticoagulation and ENT where I run a micro suction clinic.
Dr Jo Parry-James
South Flintshire Cluster Lead
I have been a GP Partner at Hope Family Medical Centre for 5 years, a 6 partner semi-rural practice just North of Wrexham in North Wales. I have been the South Flintshire Cluster Lead for 2 years having taken on the role just before the Covid Pandemic so it has been a rapid learning curve.
I am keen to see our cluster develop to enable greater cross practice and community working to serve the needs of our local population in a more responsive and focused way with a particular emphasis on preventative management of chronic conditions and increased support for some of our more vulnerable groups.
Judy Thomas
Director of Contractor Services for Community Pharmacy Wales
Judy Thomas is the Director of Contractor Services for Community Pharmacy Wales, the organisation that represents the 713 community pharmacies in Wales in negotiations and discussions with Health Boards and Welsh Government on the community pharmacy contract.
Judy is a community pharmacist by background, qualifying in 1997 Judy initially worked for Boots in a variety of locations across the UK before moving to North Wales in 2006 where she has also worked for both Lloyds and Rowlands. Judy initially was a Regional Committee member of the North Wales Committee of Community Pharmacy Wales before taking on a role as North Wales Regional Director in 2010, originally part-time whilst working as a community pharmacist, until shortly after taking on the Director of Contractor Services role when she moved to full-time.

Lloyd Hambridge
Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Welsh Government
Cluster/NCN Clinical Lead Caerphilly East, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Advanced Practice Pharmacist, Blackwood Medical Group
Lloyd is an advanced practice pharmacist who has held a variety of roles spanning primary, community and secondary care across NHS Wales.
Working within the Caerphilly East Neighbourhood Care Network (NCN) of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board since 2015 and for Blackwood Medical Group, Lloyd completed a Master’s degree project evaluating the emerging roles of pharmacists working within primary care clusters in Wales and has undertook work to improve adverse drug reaction reporting within the NCN, being awarded the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Patient Safety Award. In 2020 Lloyd was appointed as the NCN lead for the Caerphilly East NCN.
Lloyd has completed the Welsh Clinical Leadership Fellowship Programme with Health Education and Improvement Wales, and since the start of the pandemic has supported the Pharmacy and Prescribing branch within Welsh Government to ensure the safe, effective, and efficient delivery of pharmaceutical care which is accessible to the population of Wales. In 2021 Lloyd was appointed as Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for Welsh Government.

Sali Davis
Chief Executive Optometry Wales
Sali Davis, Chief Executive Optometry Wales After graduating from Cardiff University with a Master’s in Legal Aspects of Medical Practice and an honours degree in Law Sali worked with the Royal College of GPs’ as a Project Officer before returning to the law to work for Deloitte and Touche LLP running a practice review programme for Tax Partners on both a local and national basis. She now works for Optometry Wales and is employed as their Chief Executive.

Yma is a not-for-profit social enterprise, existing to create conditions where primary care in Wales thrives now and for future generations.
Our focus is on:
• The person, encouraging and enabling integrated care, designed and delivered around the needs of the citizen
• The practice that meets the needs of communities
The environment that the health and care system operates within.

PCC is a community interest company that provides practical help to health and care services including training, development, and hands on support. We help services improve and develop with a focus on quality, efficiency, and health outcomes. PCC is currently supporting the Strategic Programme for Primary Care in Wales with the production of guidance and governance documents for the Accelerated Cluster development programme of work.
We have an active event and workshop calendar which includes personal and team development, leadership, and primary care focussed sessions. For more information www.pcc-cic.org.uk Sign up to our free newsletters.
This event and website is designed and managed by Production 78 on behalf of Strategic Programme for Primary Care.
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Sue Morgan
National Director & Strategic Programme Lead for Primary Care
The role of National Director & Strategic Programme Lead for Primary Care in Wales works as a bridge between Welsh Government and the NHS. The focus of the role is to drive the implementation of the Primary Care Model for Wales through the development and implementation of the Strategic Programme for Primary Care.
Sue has 25 years of NHS management experience that includes operational management, service planning, commissioning and programme management across a number of different NHS organisations in Wales. Before moving to her current role, Sue was Director of Operations for Primary and Community Care Services in Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, which saw the challenges of GMS sustainability alongside the drive to transform whole system care to be delivered as close of home as possible. Prior to that Sue headed up Women and Children Services which, in addition to general management of those services, also included the planning and commissioning of the Children’s Hospital for Wales. Both roles involved working across organisations at a regional and national level and with other partners such as professional bodies, Local Authorities, the Independent Sector and the Third Sector. Sue’s early career was in operational management in secondary care and NHS service planning.